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I hope you enjoy reading about Dorp and his friend Sam, who you will meet shortly.
This novel was written in with natural facts and human habits tendencies in mind,
to teach young people about the role water plays in our lives.

So, I hope you enjoy the book and learn much, so you can appreciate this life-sustaining natural asset called water.

Note: For the curious, I wrote this book in 2015-16, and did approach a few publishers about the book, 
but they weren't interested.  So rather than have Dorp gather dust, (which would have made him muddy)
I decided to put him on the internet for young readers. 


Eric J. Rose

I also have another website for young people, middlegrademysteries.com

Photos used on this website under 'Fair Use' principal, on this educational, free website. 
Photos credited as able.
Because this website is for the younger set, my personal contact info is not listed here.